Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money

Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money

Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money
Welcome to Cheap Stuff Store, your one-stop destination for quality, affordable finds! The item’s condition is depicted in the photos, including any flaws (if present). Your package will typically arrive in your hands within 21 days, often even sooner, usually within 15 days. At CheapStuffStore, we take pride in our commitment to cleanliness. All our clothing items undergo ozone treatment and meticulous cleaning before they’re sent your way. Discover collector’s pieces in impeccable condition, all waiting for a new home in your collection. You’re not just shopping – you’re making an eco-conscious choice by avoiding’Fast Fashion’. Feel free to reach out we’re here to help. Thank you for choosing CheapStuffStore for your sustainable shopping needs.
Vintage Ralph Lauren Sea Colour Merino Wool Sweater Size S Archive Old money

Bronze Buckle withPatina. Antique Greek/Roman Style-Perfect Condition-50 Years Old

Bronze Buckle withPatina. Antique Greek/Roman Style-Perfect Condition-50 Years Old
Bronze Buckle withPatina. Antique Greek/Roman Style-Perfect Condition-50 Years Old

Bronze Buckle withPatina. Antique Greek/Roman Style-Perfect Condition-50 Years Old
Greek/Roman Style Bronze Sand Cast Buckle with Greenish Blue Patina. You are not likely to find another buckle like this anywhere. I bought it in 1969 and have stored it for more than half a century! Never used on a belt ever. Stored in a desk drawer for 53 years, making it half a century old! You can be the first to wear this on a belt. 3.5 Inches Long by 3.25 Inches Tall. Be sure to see our other unique buckles.
Bronze Buckle withPatina. Antique Greek/Roman Style-Perfect Condition-50 Years Old